How to Encourage Speech Development in Toddlers and Children - Cover Image

How to Encourage Speech Development in Toddlers and Children

Speech. The ultimate way of communication. We can’t wait for the time when our toddler will start using words instead of, often frustrating, nonverbal attempts at communication. But there is a lot we can do, from the earliest age to encourage speech development and language skills. So let’s talk about things we can do to speed up the speech development in toddlers and children.

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18 signs of a gifted child - Cover Picture

18 signs of a gifted child

What is Intelligence?

What is intelligence actually? There are many definitions but let’s use the simple one: “Intelligence is the ability to successfully overcome new situations and challenges”.
Or my favorite, “Intelligence is the thing that intelligence tests measure”. This last definition shows that this term is still the in focus of many debates and there is no one way to define intelligence. Continue reading